Angela Lee
David Heckaman
Historical Blindness
Joey Mendoza
Jonathan Morris
Kelly Denton
Kevin Bales
Lynn Brooks
Michelle Malouf
Paul Hendricks
Ricky Vernon
Traci Johnson
While I produce the audio/video of each episode, the direct monetary support from BOATS Producers goes directly to paying the bills for the show. As a way of saying “thank you,” for as long as you’re a Producer, you’ll get your name in the YouTube video credits (example) and ad-free episodes.
Thank you!
Please note: One-off donations aren’t automated, so don’t include the ad-free episodes.
No support required, just a way of saying “thank you” for your consideration of supporting my work. Stickers aren’t an automated process, though, so if you shoot me an email with your address then I’ll drop one in the mail!
* Name in the credits. Your name in the credits is added to any new Based on a True Story video produced while you’re an active Producer. It’s done by default when possible, but it’s also optional because I’ve had some people request to remain anonymous. For that reason, the above list of BOATS Producers is not complete. If you’re a BOATS Producer and want to remove or re-add your name from this list, just let me know.
** Different platforms. Apple and Patreon don’t include all the features on Supercast, hence the cost differences. However, they do offer a level of convenience if you’re already an Apple Podcasts or Patreon user so I wanted to include them as options.
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